Serve It Up (RTO no: 22542)

Welcome to the application process for RSA RSA - SITHFAB021 Provide responsible service of alcohol

This includes:

  • Unit of competency SITHFAB021 Provide responsible service of alcohol and your approved Victorian RSA certificate (LCV).

This application will take you roughly 20 minutes to complete. All questions require an answer. When you press the Next button any fields that are missing an answer will have a red message shown next to them.

This application will cover:

  • Your Details – this includes general contact information, previous education, and demographic information required by the Department of Education.
  • Class Selection – choose between online and classroom training.
  • Pre-Training Review – this helps us ensure that the course is the most suitable and appropriate program for you.
  • Language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) assessment – this section ensures that you have the appropriate entry level skills to successfully complete the course.

Information requested on this form is for the national training database and for statistical purposes.